Development of this research project began in 2004, with sponsored by NEDO, New Energy and Technology Development Organization. As the supply of seeds of the distance, choose the NTT in the tree because the distance is a lot of growing wild in the province. During this time, besides growing wild in many of bed in the province, by the people of NTT, the tree distance is only used as a fence plant. "Previously also had become a tool of light," said Frans Lebu Raya, Deputy Governor of NTT present, "The seeds of trees in the distance, such as hair-pin sate ago burned." In culture, the tree distance is already familiar with the NTT. Besides this, the tree is also known distance have the power treatment, especially for skin disease, reduce pain, and laxative. However, the presence of oil and diesel fuel is subsidized NTT-making community and the Indonesian people forget the whole-plant save this great potential.
Performance test results of castor oil is indeed startling. Pure castor oil (straight jatropha oil) BD 100 will have the same performance with diesel oil. The central government itself, yesterday, among others, represented by Dr. Yogo Pratomo, Director General of the Department of Energy and Mineral Resources, Directorate General of Electricity and Energy Utilization and Dr. Luluk Sumiarso, Jentral Secretary Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, said the promise that the government will help the development and socialization of this alternative fuel. This is mainly supported by the production of castor oil prices that compete with the price of diesel oil without subsidies. Price of oil production is the maximum distance Rp 1000/kg, meanwhile, the price of diesel fuel without subsidies of Rp 1600/kg. "The thought of course need to stay stable supply of oil this distance," said Yogo.
Mindu Sianipar, chairman of the House of Representatives Commission IV that one of its duties in managing the problem of agriculture is also very grateful to the support and the researchers from ITB and Mitsubishi. "This is not merely a business problem," said Mindu, "but also help the villagers." In this opportunity, Mindu also hope to use castor oil used as fuel engine diesel boats fishing. Things that need to be considered is also a law for this product. "Oil and Gas Law will make Pertamina intervence this product," said Mardjono, a member of the House of Representatives Commission IV the other, "The benefits of this product can be used as closely as possible to improve the welfare of the poor rural areas."
Research are Dr. Robert Manurung, from the Department of Chemical Engineering ITB is one of several alternative energy which is developed by ITB. "We are also developing fuel alternatives. For example, biodiesel and fuel ethanol from cassava," said Dr. Reksowardojo Iman, head of Laboratory of Motor Fuel and Propulsi, Mechanical Engineering Department of ITB, which is also a member of the research team is castor oil.
According to Robert, the main benefits of castor oil processing is a cheap and simple. "Machine biodiesel operation is difficult," he said, "installation can not be done by the farmers. With castor oil, do not need to replace the engine, just with a normal diesel engine. Replace only with the diesel oil diesel fuel, that's it."
Another major contribution to the nation's ITB revealed yesterday. In the middle of the issue of fuel subsidy reduction, fuel cheaper and environmentally friendly paper by researchers ITB will provide fresh air for the Indonesian people, especially people who depend on weak economy with the diesel fuel, such as for fishing boats and farmers motornya for milling rice. Meanwhile, the sleeping area, particularly in parts of Eastern Indonesia can work as a regional culture that distance localization. Of course, this will improve the welfare of the people in the area. Does not need mine anymore. Enough to plant it!
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